As the world gets flatter, more global, and smaller America’s oceans will no longer protect it. The terrorist networks are losing Iraq as a focus…
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto supposedly said two great things about America after attacking Pearl Harbor. “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping…
10 Money Saving Ideas Do it yourself, Find someone to talk money with, Actually eat your leftovers, Pack a lunch, Wait until things go…
This is the last of a series of four posts on caliber. Today we’ll look at hunting and old military calibers. Remember caliber refers…
Most rifle calibers have come from the military. If they weren’t directly used by the military at one point, they have their roots as a…
Today we are going to talk about common defensive pistol calibers. There are hundreds of different calibers out there (click here to see most of…
Today is the beginning of a caliber discussion. It’s the first of four where we will discuss different calibers, what that means, and what they…
10 Money Saving Ideas Do it yourself, Find someone to talk money with, Actually eat your leftovers, Pack a lunch, Wait until things go on…
Going to the hospital always stinks. I don’t think anyone enjoys it, especially me. Every hospital has it’s own security. Some just have a uniformed…
Does your car have one? Do you know how it works? Most every car comes with an Alarm or a keyless entry. If the key…