Podcast 263 Open Carry and Walmart on a TTT

The Right and Wrong way to Open Carry and why outlawing open carry at Walmart might be okay.

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Today:  Today is a Truck Talk Tuesday (TTT).  Just you and me on a long drive sitting in the truck talking about guns and self defense.

Is it okay for Walmart to ban open carry? Can you see it from their side?  I’m not sure it’s a bad thing.

There is a wrong way to open carry.  If you are going to do it, here are some tips and ways to stay safe doing it. 


Thanks for listening, don’t forget to check out the Shooter’s Club, and if you need ammo check out Lucky Gunner.

Stay Safe,


One Reply to “Podcast 263 Open Carry and Walmart on a TTT”

  1. Hello,
    First, thank you for your podcast. I appreciate the less polished “we are having a conversation” style; it is refreshing. You bring a point of view that is wise, yet not as rigid as a Massad Ayoob or an Andrew Branca. At the same time, you keep things technically interesting without going so deep as to be relevant only to the elite; Cautious enough to make me (aka your listeners) (re-)think my safety protocols without going full-blown prepper. Thank you.

    Just listened to TTT (of 9/10/2019). At about timestamp 29:15-29:30 in the podcast, you suggest that Mr Walmart CEO was unhappy that a couple of his employees got killed and decided to change the store policies to ensure this not happen again and that you may understand this type of reasoning.
    With all due respect (at least to you), I beg to differ! How many CUSTOMERS have died in a Walmart or Walmart parking lot?
    What is the correct answer to the question
    “Did you hear XYZ about the shooting at Walmart?”
    (Guess first, then see below for the answer)

    At the risk of stating the obvious: Customers are people too.


    Last point: Good on you to listen to your “wiser than you” wife. You are correct that she knows better than you (as does mine for me) what is and is not stupid.

    Keep up the good work, I will continue listening,

    Answer to the Walmart question:
    “Which Walmart shooting?”

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