W.A.A.R on Monday 8-31-2020

Weekly After Action Report on what you might have missed last week.

Here are a couple things you may have missed last week.

From Kenosha Wisconsin Shooting Video

If you haven’t watched the video for yourself, watch this video. This is the best video of the events I’ve found that has very little talking points put on top of it.

I hate watching videos from the media that editorialize on top of the videos telling what they want you to see. See what happened with your own eyes and an open mind. Make up your own mind whether this was self-defense or not and be able to explain your position morally and legally.

Here is a little longer video with some editorialization that is from a smart person, not the media. Watch the top one first.

From the video, “… the ultimate play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

Allegedly Find “Assault Rifle” in Staten Island

This crap is going to start being a problem.

Police put out their booty of they found in a home. NYPD executes a search warrant (for what is unknown by the article or unnamed) and they are proud that they found an “assault rifle”, a handgun, and 400 rounds of ammo.

As police and the media villainies having anything in your home it’s going to look bad if a true shooter or enthusiast gets arrested.

I’m not sure how to really fight this. All we can do is talk to our neighbors and friends about what the gun community is really like.

The story and NYPD are pathetic here.

“I Saw an Opportunity and I Took It.”

Understanding the criminal mind is something we should all work on if we want to stay safe from them.

The more you know about how they think, the more you take precautions against bad things happening to you.

Here is a great story by Craig Ellifritz about how criminals think. Read it, learn from it, and except that criminals don’t think like you and me. They are a different kind of human.

What I’m Reading

Shoot Where You Look by Leon Measures

“The reason most adults don’t shoot as well as they could, is they never learned how ‘mount’ a gun correctly.”

In the book, Leon has very different thoughts of shooting a shotgun, including going through how to mount a shotgun correctly. And he is right, most people do it incorrectly.

I don’t mount a shotgun correctly because I spent too many years mounting a rifle and then moving my head behind the sights and optics. If the gun fits you correctly you should be able to mount the gun nice and high and touch your cheek to the stock without moving your head. Your eyes should be behind and looking through the optic or sights, or down the rib of the shotgun.

It takes practice and work, but you can do it. With his book, you can see how it is supposed to be done and then work on it. I’m taking tones of things from this book and adapting it to my PCC competition shooting and myself defense shooting. It’s definitely worth your time if you are going to put in the work.

Product of the Week

Magpul MS3 Sling

This is my favorite sling by far on the market right now. I just bought another one and now have multiples.

This sling allows you to either use it as a sing-point or 2-point sling. Both have their advantages and dis-advantages. But this one allows you to try both.

It also has a quick adjust length that works really well from Magpul.

Everything about the sling is heavy duty and I haven’t broken one yet, and don’t thing you will be able to without a really big hammer.

This is the sling to try new positions to mount slings on a rifle and the sling if you aren’t sure which sling to get. Because it gives you so many configurations you will be able to try just about anything.

The downside right now, they are hard to find. Here are a couple of places that normally stock it that I trust and spend money at.

Palmetto State Armory

If you are thinking of a new sling and you don’t have one of these, you should.

What You May Have Missed at Modern Self Protection

Rioters, Vehicles, and Self Defense
Mobs have been moving around as protests for months now. The violence seems more and more eminent. The chances of you getting stuck in one of these “protests” seems more and more likely

Stay Safe,


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