FMF 28 The Eyes are not a Window to the Soul

Five Minute Friday: A quick tip to keep you safe

FMF Five Minute Friday
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This is Five Minute Friday (FMF), just a little quick tip on how you can think differently about your self-defense in today’s modern world.  Things are always changing, but we always have to remember the basics.  These tips are designed to keep the perspective of basic self-defense while looking at our ever-changing world.

Have you noticed is harder to figure out what people are doing when they are wearing a mask?  The eyes are supposed to be the windows to the soul, but I never realized how much I used other facial cues to interact with the people around me.  When someone is wearing a mask you will need to look at different body language to see what their intent is.

Here are a couple of body language things you can look for:

Target Glance

When someone stares at something but doesn’t want to get caught looking, or they keep subconsciously looking back and forth from what they are pretending to do and what they are actually thinking about.

This could be a clue in what the person is really thinking about and his subconscious mind has him looking at it.

This could be a problem when someone is supposedly shopping but is really there to victimize someone.  If they keep looking at you, you may be their next victim.

Toes Facing Away

We subconsciously point our feet at what we are thinking about.  If someone is thinking about the ice cream on the top shelf in front of them, their toes will be pointed towards the ice cream.

If the person is looking at ice cream but thinking about victimizing you, their toes may be pointed at you. Something to look for and if you see it, it will look out of place and you should probably leave.

Fingers doing odd things

Yes, we talk with our hands and count on our fingers.  Even when it is self-dialog.  But, if you see a nervous twitch or the person’s hands shaking, it could be an indication of an adrenaline dump. 

If someone is on the ice cream aisle getting sherbet, they shouldn’t be having an adrenaline dump.  Something might be about to go down, now would be a good time for you to leave.

Unusual Energy Level

Are they as excited or as calm as everyone else there?  If their energy level is extremely calm this could be a criminal that has practiced putting himself at ease before an attack. 

Right now, during covid crazy, everyone is a little on edge and has some nervous energy they are moving around with.  If someone is calmer then everyone else, that could be the indication of a problem and it might be time for you to leave.

On the other side, if everyone is calming moving about their everyday lives and find someone that looks like they are bounding with energy like a kid you just told is going to Disney Land, this might be an indication the person in question just had an adrenaline dump and is not handling it well. Probably a good time to leave.

Why is that person here?

Always my go-to question.  If you can answer that, then you will know if someone is there to hurt you.  Practice when you are out with other people.  People watch and try to figure out what they are doing at that location at that time.

As a practice, don’t just figure out that they are shopping like you, try and figure out a little of that person’s back story for being there.

The more you practice and observe people to see if they are right, the better you will get at the game, and the easier it will be to spot people that are up to no good.

Watch the video here


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Thanks for listening, don’t forget to check out the Shooter’s Club, and if you need ammo check out Lucky Gunner.

Stay Safe,


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