W.A.A.R on Monday

May the Fourth Be with You… even while dry fire practicing

Today's daily dry fire drill involves using the force. May the force be with you.

Posted by Modern Self Protection on Sunday, May 3, 2020
May the 4th be With You Facebook post

I did a spoof for May 4th since it is Star Wars day. On my daily dry fire that I post on Instagram and Facebook I made fun of Star Wars and the day.

Sometimes you just have to have fun.

The Best Defense Survival Covid 19 Roundtable 6

These guys have some of the best information about the Covid-19 crazy going on right now. You want to know what you can do? How you can do it? and real life what is going on without most of the BS this is a better place to go than the main stream media.

Canada Bans “Assault Weapons” after Mass Shooting

Well this is no surprise. Was there any doubt?

But two really interesting things in the article:

1) The timeline.
They were in the middle of working on a ban when Covid-19 interrupted them. Covid crazy started the beginning of April give or take. The mass shooting happened April 19th and May 1 here is the ban.

Bans are always on the table. They are already written and are always being worked on. The people that want to take your rights wait until a horrible tragedy so that they can be passed in the middle of the night before anyone can read them or do an actual intelligent analysis of them. Because these things will only pass when there is the emotion of “we have to do something” and “won’t someone think of the children” with mothers and victims crying in the background.

2) The Guns used in the mass shooting were smuggled into Canada from the US.

Our legislators have been trying to use the smuggled guns out of the US for a decade now to add more gun control to our laws. Can you say operation gun runner?

This will become a talking point of how US guns are killing people around the world.

These are horrible tragedies that happen. Guns are not the reason but one of the ways. No one thought to regulate trucks when one was used in NY.

So these regulations are not to save lives they are to take guns from the people. Citizens have rights like owning guns, peasants do what their government tells them to do. Which one do you want to be? What country do you want to live in?

Bullet Jump Research

What happens when the bullet makes the jump from the cartridge to the lands and grooves in the barrel?

What is the best amount of jump for the most accuracy?

Want to get geeky about bullet seating depths?

Check out the article at the Precision Rifle Blog

Florida Man is Justified in Shooting Deputy and the Tragedy That Followed

When justice goes wrong! I know the old saying from 20 plus years ago, cops use it all the time, “you may beat the rap, but you won’t be the ride.” This means guilty or not you are going to jail for a while and the courts will figure it out.

I never knew what a travesty of justice that was until I read this story.

A Florida man spent 5 years in jail without bond as the trial court screwed up the law again and again. He was finally released and charges dismissed after an appeals court had to step in 3 times over mistakes of fact and law by the trial court. The appeals court finally just dismissed the case. Yes, it was that bad.

Why? He shot a police officer that was trying to arrest his niece that was staying with him at his home. Three officers knocked on the door and when she answered they pulled her from the home. She started screaming for help and our victim came running to help with his gun. The police officers failed to identify themselves and a gun battle started.

40 rounds were fired by the 4 men on the front yard. The man, his niece, and a police officer where all hit.

Her crime? They were arresting her for prostitution. To make matters worse, 2 out of the 3 cops were actual clients of hers and later fired from the sheriff’s office just a year after the gun battle.

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Stay Safe,


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