W.A.A.R on Monday

Last week, like most weeks, lots of things happened. Stay safe with some knowledge you might have missed.

Best Defense Survival – Roundtable #5

These are some of the best roundtable discussions on the internet.

These guys are some of the best when it comes to preparing for the worst. They use to making a living doing it.

These are guys I listen to, and people you might want to learn something from.

There is a lot of corona crazy out there and these guys are trying to bring it back to earth.

Handgunning in the 1920’s: The Techniques of W.E. Fairbairn

This is definitely and article from “back in the day.” I am loving that American Rifleman is posting these old articles up on their feed again.

This is one of the guys that started the art of pistol fighting. He was the head of Shanghai Police and they where getting into more gun fights then anywhere at the time.

Fairbairn learned lessons with body counts. No theory, only what he was seeing working and what wasn’t. He had to get officers trained up in a hurry and keep them alive long enough to pass that info back.

He really was in the school of hard knocks back then.

If you want to know where we came from as handgun fighters this is a good place to start.

California Ammo Flood is Off

For one glorious day the people of California were free to buy ammo.

Where else but the 9th Circuit Court would a decision like this be made. On Thursday the law was put on a stay as probably un-Constitutional and then late Friday night the court decided to put a stay on their stay. No matter what side of the argument you are on that reeks of corruption. The 9th Circuit Court has always been the 9th Circus when it comes to making decisions.

Maybe it’s time the 9th is broken up. Something seems very wrong.

Check out the time line here.

P.S. I have friends that took major advantage of the one day. Take that Commiefornia!

New Study: Expert vs. Novice Use-of-Force Decision-Making

There are a couple good nuggets in here for us as civilians that want to deescalate so we do not need to use force at all.

And it shows the problem with Police training right now. I remember being in the academy 20 plus years ago and emphasis was on giving people commands and getting them to go to jail. Old officers in moments of candor would talk about using your words to talk people into handcuffs.

Police Officers need to be able to do both. And it looks like from body cam footage I see and from what this article is talking about, police training is giving a lot of talk people to jail training… still. It would be nice to get them more training before they have to learn on the job where peoples’ lives are at stake.

Go learn what you can from the study; like using someone’s name frequently.

Buying Used Guns

Depending on how this corona crazy time plays out, there could be a lot of used guns on the market in the coming months. Personally, I’ll be looking for a couple good deals on guns people bought for the apocalypse that just doesn’t seem to be coming.

I’m hoping a lot of the new gun owners will continue to be gun owners after the corona crazy, but I know lots of them will sell off their guns just like the camping equipment and generators they all sold after Y2K was a bust. I’ll be looking for the deals.

This is a good article about getting started on buying used guns.

Heart Warming…

I found some people trying to help with whatever they cane. I’m not an essential worker, but have talked to a couple at stores and they seem stressed.

No one asked them if they wanted to fight the war against Covid-19. Most of them where just thrust into whatever roll they have. And they can’t quit because government money won’t be given to them and their are no other jobs to get.

Most of them are just screwed! So say thank you anyway you can and whenever you deal with an essential worker.

Signs are cool, but personal thank you’s go a lot further.

Thank those that are still working. It’s how you can eat, have water in your house, the trash picked up, and have the lights turn on.

What You May Have Missed at Modern Self Protection:

Podcast 291 Top Self Defense and Shooting Books to Read
Read some of the top self defense and shooting books while you are stuck at home during the lockdown.
Most of us have extra time right now. I’m no different. I’m reading extra. What about you? Are you reading? Doing something productive to better yourself during this time or just scrolling through social media mindlessly and endlessly.

Barrel Block (BarrelBlok) Dry Fire Practice Safety Tool Review
Barrel Block Dry Fire Practice Safety Tool Review. Nothing replaces the actual feel, weight, and function of your actual firearm. This helps you do it safely.

FMF 23 Are You Improving Your Position
Are you improving your position despite being behind? It’s easy to get overwhelmed and want to sit down and do nothing. No matter how much you do there is always more. You will never get it done as fast as you want.

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