W.A.A.R on Monday

Last week, like most weeks, lots of things happened. Stay safe with some knowledge you might have missed.

The Defense Survival Round Table

Guys that know violence and know what they are talking about and have studied this stuff. It’s worth a listen for your mindset and one of their great points… stop watching the negative news cycles.

Covid-19 with a 2A Doc

I get together with Bob Mayne and Dr. John Edeen to talk about Covid-19. Dr. John gives a lot of hopeful information about what is going on. The information is a almost a week old, but still good to know.

Ammo Rotation with a Heavy Dry Practice

Do you have a rotation plan for your carry ammo when you are taking the ammo in and out for dry practice? I haven’t seen one simpler and better then this. I am starting to use this in my dry fire practice. If you aren’t using something, figure it out.

Inmates Released Already Committing Murder

Raise your hand if you saw this coming! It didn’t take long. I am worried about this because this is just the first occurrence. The crime will go up with criminals being released.

I’m not sure what the answer is to our Covid-19 problem but this is not it.

Adjusted NICS Checks Skyrocket in March

This is how all statistics and graphs should be presented. John ads all the information so that you can actually see if the numbers are correct and how the numbers may or may not be totally correct.

Why doesn’t every reporter tell the truth about the numbers they publish.

Just for Fun:

I always seem to associate with the frog in this picture. Year after year when this pops up again, I still think the same thing; I’m the frog and still working it.

What you May Have Missed at Modern Self Protection:

Podcast 286 Competition and Self Defense TTT
Today is a Truck Talk Tuesday (TTT). Just you and me on a long drive sitting in the truck talking about guns and self-defense.
I took a self defense friend of mine to his first shooting competition. He liked it, but when I watched him it reminded me that competition shooting and self defense shooting are very different things.

CZ Scorpion Magazines
After a month of running the gun pretty hard, I’ve figured out which magazine I like the best.
Watch the video here to learn all about why Magpul P-Mags are the best for the CZ Scorpion

FMF 19 Be Prepared for Crap to Come Your Way
Are you prepared for crap to happen? Sooner or later it is going to happen to you! It happened to me today. My boss called and said we need you to practice more social distancing by taking a lay off. Nice!

CZ Scorpion Magazine Pouches
Which CZ Scorpion Pouch is going to work? Will the Taco pouch work for competition or not?

Podcast 288 Leadership in a Crisis
Leadership lessons from an old Marine. Marines are great at making leaders for crisis situations. We will go through the most important leadership principles you can start using today to lead yourself, your family, and your teams through the current Covid-19 crisis.

Stay Safe,


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