Wet to Wild

Last week I had a quite  day.  I got caught in the weather in south Texas.  The rain was incredible.  Roads started flooding out less then an hour into the storm.  I was trying to get in and out before the weather but didn’t make it.  Then when it started raining (and I had to work outside) I realized I forgot my jacket.  It was at home drying form the day before.  Nice!

Anyways here is some video and pictures I took.  I wanted to get pictures but my iPhone isn’t waterproof and pictures weren’t coming out taken from inside the truck.  I also wanted to take more video but the conditions where almost impassible and I had to put the camera down and drive at the parts that would have made great video.  If I knew it was going to be that bad I would have stayed home.  The rain was worst then the Typhoon I lived through in Japan.

Here’s a picture of the road conditions at the beginning of the storm.

This video was taken on the dirt road heading out to the main road.  I had to use the trees to make where the road was.  And the trees where already collapsing in.  The road was wider when I went in.  I had to stop filming to pass a truck going the other way.  Yes the road was a river of running water.

This is when the storm started to get back.  I was wondering if there was an ark around I could use to get home.

Then it got worst.  I couldn’t believe it got worst.  The video through my iPhone was actually better for visibility then looking out the window.  This was the only time I’ve actually been scared driving a truck.  I wasn’t sure if the trailer would blow over while attached to the truck or if the road was still there.  Going the opposite way I could see places that the road had already been washed away.

Things I learned or was reminded of; check the weather before you leave, be prepared to stay some place if you have to, have an extra jacket in your vehicle, have extra clothes in your vehicle, let people know where you are going and when you are going to be back, and sometimes you just have to keep going.

Stay Safe,


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