Continuing to Fight

If all your attempts at avoidance have failed and you find yourself having to fight in self defense you have to continue to fight no matter what.   You are in a fight for your life.  You have to win!  The ultimate way to win is persistence.  You can never give up.  Your mind set is most important thing at that point.  You have to know down deep in your soul that you are going to win and nothing is going to stop you from that.

The reality is that if you get into a fist fight, you will probably get hit.  If you get into a knife fight, you will probably be cut.  And if you get into a gun fight, you may get shot.  None of this means you are going to die or have lost.  As a Marine I saw another Marine with a piece of shrapnel sticking out of his forearm.  I watched him pull it out, put on a bandage, and continue to fight.  I knew a cop that was shot in the head while making an entry serving a warrant.  He finished the arrest and then went for medical attention.  He was fine.  The bullet didn’t penetrate; there was some blood and a headache later. 

No matter what happens to you, once the fight has began, don’t stop.  Just keep fighting until you win.  If you know anything, or if you can feel anything, you are still in the fight. 

Churchill said it best, “Never give up, never give up, never give up.”  If you do give up once you have started to fight you leave your fate to your attacker.  He will decide whether you live or die.

Hopefully you will never have to fight for your life in a self defense situation.  Do everything you can do to avoid it, but if you do end up there, “Never give up, never give up, never give up.”

Stay Safe,


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