Survival Instincts

We all have them, but not everyone uses them. My instincts saved my life at least once in Iraq.  My survival instinct is a little voice in the back of my head that says don’t do that, or go that way.  I listen to mine every time.  Lots of times I have know idea why.

Last time my wife and I were down town in San Antonio walking around like tourist, and that little voice said cross the street and continue walking.  My wife even asked me why.  I still don’t have a good answer.  Looking back there was a park with lots of people hanging out and a homeless person on the one side, and on the other the sidewalk was up against the fence.  We took the side with the fence because that is what my instincts told me to do. 

What I’m trying to do is motivate you to use your survival instincts.  In Gavin De Becker “The Gift of Fear” he interviewed multiple victims of horrible crimes.  Most said that they knew something was wrong when they met that person, but told themselves they were being dumb. 

Women, if a man asks you something or wants to help and he gives you the creeps, it’s okay to be rude.  Tell him know and to go away.  Don’t be shy about it, feel embarrassed, or worry about what people will think.  Look the guy straight in the eyes and use the same voice your parents did when you did something wrong. 

Men, if two or three guys look like trouble, you can leave.  It’s okay, you aren’t a wimp and don’t have to prove you are man by getting beat up or worst.  If you are challenged is okay to walk away.  Most people there you will never see again.

For everyone, it’s okay to leave.  If you walk into a store and get a bad vibe, or feel an incredible need to leave, just leave.  There is nothing wrong with that.  You can go shopping another day, time, or place.  If people look wrong on one side of the street, go to the other.  For some reason society is teaching us to ignore these instincts.  I say, ignore them at your own peril.

Start listening to that little voice, it just might save your life.  It’s a skill that takes time to learn.  Start now!

Stay Safe,


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