Shooting for Fun

Do you ever just go shooting for fun? Or is there always something to learn?

Modern Self Protection Podcast, a self-defense podcast for normal people.
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Self Defense is one of the most serious things we could ever talk about. It’s all about doing combat with another individual where your life hangs in the balance. Seems like it should be serious all the time. Right?

I have a great time working on my self-defense skills and shooting skills. I enjoy it more than most people think I should. I love all of it. Every aspect, but when I just want to go have a good time and need some zen/alone time, I love going to the range.

I will go to the range just to get some group therapy in. I’ll go to the range without a plan to improve some skills but with the simple desire to have a good time. Once I get there my competitive nature kicks in and I find something to work on. But that also is like meditating for me.

I can go to the range and tune everything else in the world out and it is just me, the gun, and the target. And there is no way the gun will lie to me. It will always tell the truth in what I did or did not do by how long it takes me and where the bullet goes. If I have total concentration at the moment the hammer falls, that bullet is going where I want it. If I think about something else, including the next shot before the first one is gone, the bullet will miss its mark.

I know the world is going to shit and you are worried about it. But sometimes it is okay to take a little time out and even enjoy things that should be incredibly serious so that you can keep your sanity.

Stay Safe,

Ben Branam

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