W.A.A.R on Monday 7-6-2020

Week After Action Report of what you might have missed last week.

Here are a couple things you may have missed last week.

Supreme Court has Unanimous Decision about the ‘faithless electors’

It’s incredible!

The Supreme Court had nine justices agree on the law! Amazing!

To me, it seems like most decisions coming out of the court should be this way. It shouldn’t be hard, once the facts are known if the law violates the Constitution or not.

Yes, we all have personal feelings. Yes, I expect the highest court in the land to put aside their personal feelings and rule on what the law says. I demand high standards of myself and the people above me, around me, and below me. We should all demand this from some of the most powerful people in the world.

Springfield Hellcat goes 20K Rounds in Two Days!

20,000 rounds aren’t much for a handgun these days. Everything on the shelf should be able to handle that kind of round count without much difficulty. I’ve found that even a hard-used Glock can start breaking over 30,000 rounds (one of my personal carry guns).

But this was different. This gun did 10,000 rounds in one day. Then a couple of months later it did another 10,000 rounds in one day.

That much-accelerated wear is impressive for any gun to stand up against. And surely it isn’t something you will ever replicate or need.

This little gun seems to be a surviver.

“Sustainable” Poverty!

John Farnam is one of the smartest men I’ve met in the gun community. He has been studying gun fighting and doing it since before I was born.

He has been writing about problems in our country lately. He is writing about one side versus the other. My fear is he might be right.

With all the riots and everything else going on it seems like there could be someone pulling the strings of a majority of government officials.

It seems like a lot of high-placed elected officials care more about getting Trump unelected than they care about anyone or anything else.

It seems to be an us versus them mentality and you have to pick a side or both will attack you. Then a small number of individuals are being allowed to do anything they want.

I hope he is wrong… I don’t want to stand on one side or the other during another Revolution or Civil War.

Biden fails Fact Check on Revolutionary War Cannons

Can you believe that he said something factually incorrect about the gun debate?

Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it… has us heading down the wrong road here.

As a young Sergeant in the Marine Corps, I was put in charge of a Platoon of reserver Marines in Texas. I had a young Lance Corporal, maybe 21 at the time, here me talking with another Sergeant about gun control laws.

I will never forget what that young Marine told me, “Sergeant, taking away guns, that’s the reset button on the country.” What side do you think this young Marine, just back from fighting in Iraq was going to stand on if the lines are drawn?

We need to know our history. The things that went wrong and the things that went right. For the United States, the shot heard around the world went well when the British Army marched to confiscate powders and munitions (arms). For the British that was a mistake.

When our leaders want to change history we should be concerned. Will Joe make the same mistake the British did over 200 years ago?

What I’m Reading

This is a book about shotgun shooting. Specifically about wing shooting. Being able to hit a clay pigeon or flying bird out of the air has always intrigued and amazed me. To hit a high-speed crossing shot at 40 yards is amazing.

I got this book to learn how it’s done so I can apply it to my self-defense shooting. If I can hit a bird moving at 20 miles an hour 40 yards out, I can hit a man moving around in a self-defense shooting.

What amazed me about the book is the amount of practice the author suggests. He says to use a BB gun of a specific type, without sites, and shoot forty to sixty thousand BBs a year.

There are no short cuts, just the way to get the work done. I need to order a BB gun.

What You May Have Missed at Modern Self Protection

Learning from Jarrad Markel at Student of the Gun Podcast 301
Jarrad Markel podcast interview; what we can learn from a professional MMA fighter that grew up in the firearms industry.

Stay Safe,


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