When I Carry a Gun


Recently (or I should say finally), I got my Texas CHL renewed.  I had let it lapse for a while because of other things in life, work, and a cool new Texas law (you can carry in your vehicle). I just didn’t make it a priority.  Now that I have mine again, I’m carrying everywhere that it is legal.  I just wanted you to know what I found different.

First, I noticed a lot more things.  For some reason, it puts me back on guard and I’m better at noticing the little things.  For example, this last Sunday, I went to church like I always do.  I go to the same church, see the same people, know the building layout, and where the exits are.  I normally sit near one, or at least pay attention to how far away I am from one.  This week, I sat right next to one and noticed the extra little dead bolt on the exit door on the inside.  I knew they where there, but didn’t think to check if someone had actually unlocked them like they should have.  This week, the one I sat next to was still locked.  Good information to have in an emergency.

Walking around, I noticed that I have been letting people get too close to me.  I used to make sure people stayed at arms length or more away from me.  It was a habit I had from working at an armored car company and transporting money.  Somehow I’d gotten out of that habit and really noticed when someone bumped against me on the right side.  I don’t know if she felt my gun or not, but she hit it.  I’m definitely going to work on getting that habit back.  No more squeezing through people when I go places.

I also have the paranoid feeling back that everyone can see my gun.  I went to dinner last week with some friends and sat on the outside of the booth with my gun side out.  I thought the entire meal my shirt was going to come up and show off my gun to the entire restaurant.  I had to physically fold my hands on the table to keep myself from tugging at my shirt and gun the entire meal.

I also started carrying a revolver appendix style as a backup gun.  I’ve learned that exposed hammers are sharp and hurt.  I’m now looking for a hammerless revolver to take its place.  I also learned that I really like appendix carry.   The revolver works perfect for me.  The cylinder rides right behind my belt and creates a great comfortable way for me to carry.  I can’t seem to carry anything else that way comfortably.  I did carry an unloaded gun for 2 days and work a lot on my draw and holstering with an unloaded gun before I carried one loaded there.

I have to laugh at myself for carrying an unloaded gun for a couple of days.  When I started working on appendix carry, I did a couple sessions of practice with an unloaded gun for about a week.  Then I carried one unloaded for almost a day with no problems.  We had a dinner party that night at our home with friends and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to try carrying the gun loaded.  Half way through dinner I got up and went into my bedroom and took off the gun.  It was mental anguish.  Every time I moved, I was afraid the gun was going to go off and I would lose a body part that I really like.  Not to mention the embarrassment that would have caused (I’m a Marine, pain is easy to deal with, embarrassment still scares me).

All of this was purely mental.  I carry a modern revolver with a transfer bar safety.  The only way it will fire is if the trigger is pulled.  But I was still uncomfortable.  So I carried the gun unloaded for the next two days until I was reasonably certain that it wouldn’t go off when I didn’t want it to.  Now I’m carrying my revolver as a backup and love it.

What are your weird stories about carrying a gun?  Send me an email or leave it in the comments below.

Stay Safe,


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