We’re Not Going to Take It!

Evil is among us.  We need not make excuses for why or understand why it happens only except that it is there.  Once we accept evil is there, we can discuss how to deal with it.  Our society, and much of the world, has made excuses for why people are evil for far too long.  It’s time for us to stand up and overcome evil when and where it acts.

Much is being said and written about the massacre in Aurora, Colorado.  Most are saying how horrible it is, others want to blame the guns carried by evil and outlaw the implements, the media is looking for sad stories to push in front of us to sell advertising, but few seem to be facing the issue.  The issue is simple, this is an evil man that decided to do evil things, killed 12 people and injured dozens more.

As a Marine in a combat zone, I knew what to do with evil when I found it.  Our military members all over the world know what to do with evil and how to spot it.  Once found, they will stop evil at all cost.  It’s easy to see evil as something over there that our brave military members, police officers, and others will deal with and keep away from our homes, family, and the good people of the world.  The problem remains that evil walks amongst us.  We can guess as to who is evil and who isn’t, but it isn’t until evil acts that we know for sure.

In Aurora evil acted and we are astonished that someone could do this.  We are trying to put a rhyme and reason to evil.  I’m sure it will come out that he was abused somehow as a child, or that his parents weren’t loving enough, or that society was to blame for shunning him, or so a polite society wants to believe.  The reality is; this was an evil act committed by evil itself.  We, as a society, need to stand up against evil and no longer accept these acts.

We need to stand up right now and say this is unacceptable.   We will no longer tolerate evil acts amongst us.   When an act happens we need to take action against evil.  We must no longer accept becoming a victim of an evil.  Take care of yourself and the people around you.  When a group of good people stand against evil, good will win.

After September 11, people refused to have airliners high jacked ever again.  There have been attempts, but the people have stood against the evil act and stopped it.   The same thing needs to happen when evil acts other places.

Once an evil act has been committed, we need to no longer accept excuses.  The act was committed and the actor needs to be brought to justice.  When the local news runs stories about excuses, we need to turn the channel.  Vote with our feet.  If no one is watching excuses for evil acts, the excuses will no longer be played.

When local and federal politicians call for more laws against inanimate objects, recognize that they are trying to blame them for the evil.  We need to stand up and demand justice not empty promises to punish the tool and not the actor.  If local judges and prosecutors cannot bring evil actors to justice, they need to go.  Most are elected or appointed by “We, the people.”  We, the people need to demand they do justice and ensure that evil will not get an opportunity to act again through the same vessel.

These acts of evil will stop when We, the people of the world decide we’re not going to take it anymore!   Stand up!  Refuse to be a victim of evil!  If you don’t know how to stop a physical attack, go learn.  Once an act is committed, refuse to accept anything but justice from our leaders.  If they want to blame something or someone else for the acts of evil, replace them.  Go out with a new look at the world and take care of yourself, your family, your friends, your neighbors, and your community.  More laws, more cops, more politicians, or more security guards are not the answer.  We, the people are the answer to the evil in the world.  Stand up against it.

Stay Safe,


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