Gas Cans

Which Ones I use and How to make them actually work     

Gas Can I Use
Get These Cans – THEY WORK!

I use gas cans as part of my preparedness plan, for yard equipment, my generator, and to keep extra fuel in my truck for work.

I’ve had a bunch over the years and most of them suck!

I found these cans a couple years ago when I went to do hurricane relief work on the Gulf Coast.

These cans worked, held gas for over a year without any problems and don’t leak vapor.

Years ago the government decided that gas cans needed to be safe.  If they didn’t vent they would become bombs in fires and that’s no good and they had to save us from this evil potential problem.

The only problem is when gas burns, it actually burns the vapor form and not the liquid form.  It takes heat to turn a liquid to vapor and gas is no different.  Only it doesn’t take much for gasoline to turn.  And the first thing that turns is the most combustible.  If you have an unsealed gas can and it gets hot, the gas will turn and evaporate, and the best stuff for your engine goes first.

So now there are two problems with the gas cans.  One: The best stuff gets vented to the atmosphere and leaves all the crap behind.  Pretty soon (a couple months) you’ll have gasoline that won’t run your mower or car.  Two: When gas vents as a vapor it smells really bad.  I left a gas can inside a Chevy Suburban I once owned for a couple days in one of these brand new and improved gas cans.  I don’t think I ever got the smell of gasoline out of that car.

Easy check to know if your gas can is good or sucks: Fill it, put it in a semi ventilated area, like your garage or shed.  Let it heat up, and go inside.  Does it smell like fuel?  If yes, get rid of the gas can, it’s not worth the money you paid for it.  If you can’t smell anything and it’s hot out then you probably have a good can.

I use these cans and have five or six of them.

Click the link (my affiliate), Amazon has a great deal on them.  If you don’t like Amazon, Walmart, Lowes, and Home Depot normally stock them too. 

Once you get the can, you need to improve it a little.  Check out the video bellow to find out how to fix the filler nozzle so you can actually use it.  I’m sure this was some kind of government regulation because no one that had to actually use one of these would have put this “feature” on it.

Get these cans for a great deal on Amazon Here.

Stay Safe,


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