Going to a Second Location

Hopefully you don’t find one of these!

When things go wrong in the world and bad guys attack, all sorts of things can happen.  When we fight back, good things can happen and when we don’t do anything, bad things can happen, and vice versa.

When something happens in one location and bad guy gets the jump on you and wants to move you to another location; DON’T DO IT!  I can’t be anymore blunt than that.

A bad guy that just wants to get in and out with cash doesn’t care about locking you up, keeping you from calling the police, or what you do after he/she leaves.  They just want the money.  I’ve got no problem with that.  You can have my wallet, phone, truck, or whatever.  It’s only stuff, I can get it replaced and most of it is insured.  It’s when the bad guy (dirt bag) wants to take you to another place.  When that happens, it’s a dead giveaway the dirt bag isn’t just there for the money.  He or she has something else worse in mind.

For the ladies out there, you are the ones that generally get victimized the worst by this.  That guy that was just mugging you in the alley is now taking you into an empty building next door to have his way with you.  Once you are in the location of the bad guy’s choosing, your options start running out fast.

You can’t go to that second location.  Before you are going to be moved is the time to fight with everything you’ve got.  Have no misunderstanding, that person is taking you into the back to kill you or worse.  Your only options are to fight or die.  Yes, there have been cases where people have survived going to the second location, but most of those will never be right again.

When someone is robbing you or the location you are in, you have choices.  Your biggest advantage is to wait and choose when to fight.  But when the attacker wants to move you or other people, it’s time to fight.  Your window of opportunity is closing and your chances of surviving are going down by the second.  You have to fight.  Have a little tactical patience and fight when it’s advantageous to you.

If you go to that second location I can almost guarantee that you won’t be returning.  So refuse to go, and fight for your life.

Stay Safe,



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