Financial Friday

Helping the Poor

If you really want to help people, go get some money so you can.  It’s kind of sad fact of life, but if you really want to help a lot of people on a grand scale it takes money.  Most times it takes lots of money.

Just think of any thing you would like to help with.  If it’s big enough to make the news, it is going to take a lot of money to make a dent in it.  Just pick something you are passionate about, feed the homeless, stop human trafficking, stopping the violence in Darfur.  Any of these take large amounts of money, or small amounts of money from a lot of people.  But how do you get lots of people together to do something?  In modern times we use add campaigns and social media.  Both take money (you need computers and smart phones to use social media).

So, start by giving a small portion of what you have away.  Then start working on your income to make that portion a bigger number, so we can all help more people. 

Lately the American society has stopped giving because it’s become the government’s responsibility to help those in need.  Government programs always create waste, always have people that abuse it, and always have people that slip through the cracks.

I think we should take back this responsibility and take care of our family, friends, neighbors, community, and eventually the people of the world.  If you take the responsibility to know where your money is going you will make sure it isn’t wasted, that people that abuse your generosity get nothing more, and those that truly need help don’t slip through the cracks.

Here are some of the places I like to give:



How do you do giving?

Stay Safe,


P.S.  If you think this isn’t a self defense topic, you are wrong.  If you help your neighbors, you build strong community.  If something bad ever happens and you need help, don’t you think your neighbor will help if you have been helping them?  Think about it.     

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