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Saturday March 16, 2012 in San Antonio

See what People are Saying

On March 16, 2013 from 9am – 3pm at A Place to Shoot in San Antonio. The investment is $150 per person.

Bob Mayne and I will both be teaching this course.  This is a 6 hour course designed for the Concealed Carrier or someone more advanced than a beginner but has never had any formal training outside of the CHL course.  We start with the basics of handgun safety and marksmanship and quikcly progress to dynamic movement and defensive scenarios, like shooting from cover, moving and shooting, advancing and retreating. You will shoot a minimum of 200 rounds of ammunition. Bring a quality handgun, holster, belt and magazine pouches and at least 3 magazines for your pistol. Revolvers and .22 caliber pistols are welcome.

Register Here

What People are saying about this course!

Mike I

“There was a mixture of sound safety and defensive procedures, self defense discussions, and excellent safe live fire drills…I pushed my speed far past what I thought I could do…I would recommend the class to anyone.”


“…in general, I think this was a really fun, fast moving course, with useful specific techniques that I can now practice at home and a confidence builder on my skills as a shooter.”


“… I didn’t think I could shoot that fast and still be hitting the COM (center of mass)”


“If you get a chance to train with Bob and Ben take it!”


“This was a great course taught by great instructors… this is a course that I would take again..”


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