Operation Gun Rights Wk 6

This last week has been a busy week for me, and a busy week in the news.  We had a former Military member kill a Navy Seal and friend that where trying to help him, and currently an ex-military/ex-LAPD officer on the lamb killing LAPD officers in the name of Gun Control.  What a #$%@!

Anyways, last week I went back to the Ruger web site and sent every one of my reps a message again and then sent this message to my Congressman that doesn’t seem to be getting it.  After the first letter I sent him asking him to vote no, he sent me this load of crap.  The following week I sent him a more strongly worded letter and phone call.  Today I sent him this email:


I am a law-abiding citizen that votes.  I am a gun owner, father, husband, Marine, business owner, and Christian.

I am tired of your “politically correct” answers on gun control.  I want to know how you are going to vote when gun control legislation comes before you in Congress.  I am watching.

As a voting citizen in your district I want you to vote “NO” on any more gun legislation.  We have over 20,000 laws on the books that should work, but aren’t.  Taking guns and accessories away from me, the law-abiding citizen, is not the answer.  And I will not stand for it.

I am tired of being scapegoated by Gun Grabbers and the News Media!  I’ve had enough and am not going to take it anymore.  You will vote no on gun control or I will replace you in the next election.

I currently run an online business at www.ModernSelfProtection.com where I discus self-defense, personal responsibility, and legal and safe ways to own and use a firearm.  I have over 10,000 visitors a month to my site.  I will let them know whether they should vote for you or against you in the next election.

Thank you,

Ben Branam”

I just wanted to say thank you all for reading and visiting the site.  It allowed me to put more pressure on this clown to actually give me an answer.  Please continue to send emails, letters, call, and visit your reps and tell them what you want them to do.  Remember they work for you!

Stay Safe,


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