Podcast 6 – The Criminal Mind

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What drives a criminal and what do they fear!


* I’m Teaching a Ladies Only Intro to Handgun Class Oct 20

* Nov 3 in Dallas Bob Mayne and I will be Teaching Beyond Concealed Carry

* Meet and Greet in Argyle TX Friday night Nov 2

Criminals are different

* Otherhuman

* Dirt Bags

* Hardcore Criminals

They look at you different then you look at them

* No empathy or compassion for you

* no mercy

* already know what they are going to do and are doing it

* No help from them

* Look at you like a cockroach

* Would kill you and your family if they thought they could get away with it

Different types

* True Dirt Bag

* Pack Mentality

* Drug Addicts

* Psychos

What do these people Fear?

* You

* No Fear

* Cops

* Getting caught

* Not having a gun pointed at them

* Shot or shot at

* Getting hurt

* Going to jail

* You Fighting back and winning

* Grandma with a .357 in her purse

* You may or may not stop when they give up

* You may or may not call them medical attention

* Cops do that stuff, that’s why they don’t fear the cops

* He’s thinking, I’ll be out of here before the cops get here.

When dealing with a criminal

* He’s a cornered animal that has nothing to lose and everything to gain

* You have to make him see that he has something to lose

* Up to and including his life


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Stay Safe,



One Reply to “Podcast 6 – The Criminal Mind”

  1. Hey Ben, You are providing great insight into the fighting mindset. I have got to believe that you have either read Sun Tzu and/or Bruce Lee or your life experiences show the proof of the genius of their Philosophies.

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